How to discover yourself

In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.
Discover Who You Are...
Are you wondering how to discover yourself? Searching for a way to discover who you really are? Curious about what makes you unique and how to become the person you were meant to be?
People travel across the globe in search of themselves ... always with the same question on their minds...
How do I discover myself?
The answer may surprise you ... and it is not that difficult of a task.
Seven Sirius Steps
Seven steps help you find your way and discover yourself. I use them to help guide those who have lost their way or forgotten who they really are. If you have never have found an answer before, these seven steps may help.
Every step helps you discover something important and meaningful about who you are, what makes makes life magical and meaningful, and why you are here.

Step 0. Start Journey of Self Discovery
The first step is to start off on a journey to discover yourself and who you are meant to become. Along the way you will learn how to know yourself and begin answering the Big Questions of Life. Come learn what inspires you ...
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Step 1. Find Your Life path
The next step is to explore and identify your life path. Each person has their own unique path, a personal way of combining one or several of the nine life activities found throughout the universe.
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Step 2. Find Your Bliss
What you love reflects your bliss, so reconnect with what you love to rediscover the recipe for your bliss. By learning about the seven ingredients, you can start to write your own personal recipe for bliss.
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Step 3. Discover Your Life Way
What you value and care deeply about reflects your life way. Explore the 28 universal ways to discover your own which describes the ideas that shape your world view and define your personal experience of life.
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Step 4. Discover Your Life Calling
Now it is time to tune in and listen for your life calling, and discover what you are meant to do, be, give and become.
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Step 5. Discover Your Life Purpose
Hand in hand with your life calling is the discovery of your life purpose -- why you are here and what you are supposed to experience, learn and get out of this lifetime.
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Step 6. Describe Living Your Dreams
Next, it is time to pull everything you have discovered together and describe the life you want to live. Using all the ideas about what inspires you and makes you unique, an authentic life story emerges ... based on knowing who you want to become.
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Step 7. Make Your Dreams Come True
With all this knowledge, you can now focus on learning how to start making your dreams come true. it is time to begin living the life you dream of .... the time is ripe to plant the seeds for a new life.
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Ready to start? If so, let's move forward. And for those of you who want some help, the Wise Woman is here to help you succeed.


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