Integrity has been defined as “Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive” by a good friend of mine and college graduate. The dictionary describes it as “Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity.” I enjoy Peter’s definition more then the official definition, however, the “genuine state” part of the dictionary definition is also really good. The moral standards of most societies, according to Mr. Lewis, coincide to a remarkable degree.

By ignoring our consciences, dispensing with guilt, and ignoring honor, we are blissfully indifferent to the societal decay that has crept around us. In a spirit of false enlightenment we have looked the other way as families, friendships, and even lives have been sacrificed on the altar of self-interest and doing what "feels good." Instead of affirming these people for achieving self-actualization, we ought to shake our heads and wonder what could cause someone to so abandon their senses.


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